”You have EVERYTHING you need. . . Right now, right at this moment to begin making tremendously potent artwork.”

— Nicholas Wilton, Art2Life

The path is open; the future unknown. The journey is exciting and real. My gift is my creativity and art, and I’m here to share it with the world.

I’ve always been a creative. A graphic designer in the commercial space for many years, I was missing the organic, hands-on studio experience. I loved my studio time at RISD, with all the equipment and materials at my fingertips—pure joy!. I pivoted my career amid the pandemic, reconnecting with my applied art roots & art school education and returned to the studio. 

Children don’t take after strangers—My mom was an interior designer and her office was a treasure trove of fabric swatches, stacks of wallpapers, bins of silky trims and embellishments that spurred my love of color, pattern, texture and sophisticated layering. As a kid, I would often say “I’m busy” — busy creating something secretly new, experimenting with materials, adding paint, creating layers & fine details, cutting & glueing, stitching . . . always busy. 

Back in the studio and guided by my mentor/art guru Nicholas Wilton, I have reignited my creative muse. The excitement I feel while experimenting in the studio, combining my robust digital design tool set with painting and mixed media to create new work, is intoxicating.